November Gatherings

November was a busy month!


At the Winter Festival we heard some of the music from the research carried out - read more about that and hear some of the tunes HERE


You can also find a copy of The Three Glens Story Map locally, or take a look HERE. The Map has QR code links to short videos which are perfectly narrated by the children of Fort Augustus and Invergarry - links to the videos are here on the website too.


Rob Sutherland has given us a short video about his photography workshop with some of the Fort Augustus youngsters, which took place in Fort Augustus during the Summer, find out more about that and the workshop which took place at Daingean. 



We also had music and a talk in Dalchreichart, a wonderful Reminiscence workshop with schoolchildren and the community with Nicola Wright (see Galleries below), Samhain at Old Convent Wood of course  and the Winter Festival Weekend- take a look at the Gallery Images further down this page.

Lovely feedback for the Event in Dalchreichart.


‘So uplifting to hear young people perform music from the glen - beautiful


Research and findings of finance in the glen is so, so important  - thank you.’


‘Loved the music - beautiful.


Fascinating talk from Iain MacKinnon causing many of us to contemplate our own connections and privileges.’


‘Fascinating talk -  cho cudromach. Agus òrain is ceòl àlainn. Special project - Pròiseact sonraichte. ‘


‘Good way to spend the afternoon. Chòrd an ceòl agus an comhradh. Chòrd na  ceicichean cuideachd.’ 


(Loved the music and the conversation. Enjoyed the cake too)


‘Chòrd e rinn ceòl an sgìre a chluinntinn. Òraid fìor inntinneach’ 


(We enjoyed hearing the music of the area. A very interesting talk)


‘Fabulous music by the youngsters. Fascinating talk by Iain.’


‘Ceòl sònraichte mhath a tha gaisgich òga!  Oraid anabarrach àraich, Mile taing.’


(Especially good music from the young heroes! A wonderful talk. Very many thanks.)


‘Wonderful to see the interest and hear the progress of traditional music and instruments. Very entertaining and fascinating talk on slave related history and the Highlands. Well done all.’


‘Rich and precious legacies of this place’ in praise of the music offered by the children.’


‘Yet another fascinating event bringing more depth to the stories of the land we live in. Really enjoyed the music and am interested to hear more about the landowners. Sgoinneil.’

 Music Workshops at St Columba Cottage

These are the photos by the fire of music students from Kilchuimen Academy with their teacher Catherine Cameron. Thank you to  Charlie’s Grandmother Libby Grey for kindly allowing her sitting room to be the venue.

To Joyce and the Project Team,


A wee note to say thank you. 


We all enjoyed participating in the Gathering Project last Monday when we went to learn local fiddle tunes with Charlie Grey at St Columba’s Cottage. 


Clearly you have all worked hard for a long time to being together all the elements needed for a successful community project celebrating the rich landscape, people and culture of our surrounding area. We appreciate all that you’ve done. Good luck with the rest of it all!


Many thanks again from Catherine, Barty, Carys, Brooke, Jodie and Sophia at Kilchuimen Academy Music Department.

Reminiscence sessions

During November, Nicola Wright spent a day working with some of the school children on how to speak to others and draw out stories. Asking open questions and find out about memories and times past.


Joyce was able to bring a box of objects from The Highland Folk Museum which the children and adults could also look at and talk about.


In the lovely setting of the Lovat Hotel, it was fantastic to have some members of the Community available to come and chat with the groups of children. Thank you so much to everyone who came along.


Stories were told of Fort Augustus, how it has changed, what it was like to go to school there, what was you teacher like?


We heard a memory of the Monk's Fire Brigade and of a first experience of a banana! What shops used to be in Fort Augustus and  the cobbler and 'tackety boots'!


As well as childhood memories from other parts of Scotland and the UK too. 


Memories of growing up beside the sea, the fog horn, fishing boats and collecting mussels for dinner. Or of living in the city and what that was like. 


How so many first cars seemed to be green! 


It was great for young and older to enjoy these chats. 


Many thanks to everyone who took part.



Winter Festival/Fèis a Gheamhraidh


The Winter Festival was two afternoons, Saturday and Sunday, at Fort Augustus Community Hall.


Saturday was a drop in event with lots to see and do. We had the company of The Invergarry and Fort Augustus Station Project, who are looking forward to opening to the public again next year, after the current forestry works around their site are completed. 


Plus representations from the Heritage Groups of Invermoriston, Fort Augustus and Invergarry.


From the Project team, we had felt making, printing and making little clay rush lamps- all very popular.


Plus you could pick up a copy of the Story Map and take a look at a couple of the sculptures.


Sunday afternoon was a set programme which included presentations and talks, film and music.


We enjoyed hearing about placenames around Glengarry- some of them lost and details about the educational research. 


Not to mention the wonderful music, the first view of the short Film 'Turas', and the story videos with the voices of the children.


Plus tasty refreshments all weekend.


Thank you to all who came along, the whole team, the funders and of course Joyce who has made the whole thing happen.






Samhain at Old Convent Wood

Iona, Caoimhe, Tom and Jason worked together with Chris Rose who is the recently appointed Old Convent Woods Development Officer, to put on a wonderful Samhain event at the site. It was full of atmosphere, fire, stovies, moonlight and a giant bonfire. Great to see a good turn out, and we hope everyone who came along enjoyed it!

You are invited to The Gathering
Bidh fàilte bhlàth romhad aig a’ Chruinneachadh

The Gathering/An Cruinneachadh is a community led arts project for everyone throughout the three communities of Glenmoriston, Fort Augustus & Glengarry. 


’S e pròiseact ealain/dualchais a th’ anns a’ Chruinneachadh a tha air a stiùireadh leis a’ choimhearsachd. ’S ann airson a h-uile duine ann an Moireasdan, Gleanna Garadh agus Cille Chuimein.


A host of activities, events and projects will be popping up throughout 2023 and into 2024. 


Bidh tòrr ghnìomhan, thachartasan agus phròiseactan a’ tighinn ann an 2023 agus 2024.


The project is for all members of the community - any age, any background. It is inspired by our shared environment, local history and of nurturing a sense of place. 


’S ann airson a h-uile duine sa choimhearsnachd a tha am pròiseact - aois sam bith, ge bith cò às a tha thu. ’S iad an àrainneachd, an dùthchas agus an eachdraidh cho-roinnte againn a tha a’ neartachadh a’ phròiseict. 


But it's also about looking to the future. 


Supporting young people in our communities with valuable and new experiences- and to have a lot of fun along the way. Right here in the 3 Glens.


Ach cuideachd, ’s ann mu dheidhinn sùil a thoirt ris an àm ri teachd a tha e. 


Cumaidh e taic ris an òigridh sna coimhearsnachdan againn tro chothroman ùra agus luachmhor, agus bidh plòigh is dibhearsan gu leòr ann cuideachd - an seo anns na trì Glinn.



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Faigh a’ chuairt-litir

A New Page!

We have just added a new page 'Musical Research' is the title for now. Here you will be able to find out about the tunes newly rediscovered by Munro Gauld and Raghnaid Sandilands. Munro has recorded some tune already which you can listen to. Many of the tunes will be shared and taught to local schoolchildren and copies of the music being made available to the schools. 


Also, you can hear more tunes played live at the Winter Festival in November. 


But before all of that, please take a look at Munro's article, which give a background to the first three historical and local tunes he and Raghnaid have found.


We have some upcoming events, with more to come. Take a look at our Events page.


  • We are working to update the website with more Gaelic!


  • The Gathering/An Cruinneachadh project is for everyone- Gaelic speaker or not -so we want it to be accessible and enjoyable for all. We do hope if you are not a Gaelic speaker through The Gathering/An Cruinneachadh you will gain a better appreciation of the language and culture of our area and the wider Highlands. But don't forget there is no need to speak Gaelic to get involved and enjoy the whole project. If you have something to share get in touch!


  • If you are a Gaelic speaker then you will certainly find this project interesting and enjoyable. With plenty of opportunities for you to get involved directly if you wish. We would love to hear stories and memories from the area, and hear from speakers in the Glens. Please do get in touch.


It was a great series of visits to work with the children on Storytelling and sculpture! Look out for the story trail coming soon where you will be able to hear their stories for yourself!


image from Daingean, Copyright Rob Sutherland


Chaidh gu math leis an tachartas ann an seann bhaile an Daingeinn Didòmhnaich, le daoine eadar 7 is 89 bliadhna a dh'aois a' tighinn a rannsachadh le camarathan. Bha e math a’ chlann fhaicinn is iad a’ faighinn tlachd às an Daingeann agus iad a’ togail dhealbhan gu dealasach fo stiùireadh Rob. 


Bha e math cuideachd an fheadhainn as sine fhaicinn nan suidhe ag èisteachd ri sgeulachdan Eachainn mun àite, nam measg na cuimhneachain aige fhèin a' dol air ais gu 1940. Tha Rob a' dol a chruthachadh taisbeanadh beag ''pop up'' de thaghadh de dhealbhan na cloinne còmhla ri cuid da chuid fhèin.


Bha an òraid aig Anndra an ath latha, is e a' lorg loidhne-tìm Cille Chuimein, air leth math cuideachd. Thaisbean Anndra na planaichean againn airson co-obrachadh leis na sgoiltean sa Chèitean. Bidh na sgoilearan a' rannsachadh sgeulachdan nam bailtean agus a' cruthachadh fiosrachadh ùr don choimhearsnachd agus do luchd-turais.



The event at Daingean settlement in Glengarry went well with folks aged 7 to 89 on site. It was great to see the children enjoying Daingean and enthusiastically taking photos under Rob’s guidance. It was also lovely to see the older ones sitting listening to Hector’s stories about the place, including his own memories going back to the 1940's. Rob is going to create a wee pop up exhibition of a selection of the children’s photos along with some of his own.


Andrew gave a talk to the Cill Chuimein Heritage Group the following day, where he traced a time line for Fort Augustus which revealed its fascinating history as a frontier settlement for centuries.  


He also  talked about the schools project in May where several members of the project team will be working with pupils. The aim will be research the stories of Glengarry, Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston so they can create new storymaps for the community and tourists. We hope the heritage groups and other local people will be able to help.



Image by Rob Sutherland


Here's some photos from the February visits.  


The team visited Glengarry Heritage Centre, The West Glenmoriston Hub, Community Tuesday at Invermoriston, Fort Augustus Playgroup and the Guides and Brownies!

Open Afternoon, Fort Augustus- How it went...


Thanks to everyone who came along to the Open Afternoon at Fort Augustus on Saturday the 4th. It was a wonderful turnout, with lovely chats and lovely cake.


Earlier on Saturday the Team members met up - some for the first time. 


Then Sunday morning was an opportunity for the team to talk together about the project again. This time with the benefit of having met everyone that visited the Open Afternoon the day before. 


We look forward to keeping up direct contact with the community - although there won't be another chance for a full team face to face -and cake- for a while yet unfortunately! 


That's why we're keen for you to follow the page, and subscribe to the Newsletter. You can keep tabs with what's going on and please contribute too! 

The Gathering / An Cruinneachadh Community Arts Project has been made possible by the generous grants received from;

Fern Community Funds, Beinneun Wind Farm

Along with match funding from 

The Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Company.

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